The benefits of joining a community such as the one at La Ínsula include access to Promotions, Discounts and Campaigns offered by fellow Co-workers.
We currently have the following professionals offering discounts on their services to their fellow co-workers:
- 20% discount on your corporate website design with:
- 20% discount on your mobile app design with:
- 20%
discount on Design
and Creativity services with
- Branding and Corporate Identity: logo, stationery, presentations, website graphics…
- Editorial design and DTP: books, reports, publications…
- Advertising design: adverts, leaflets, flyers, posters, banners, newsletters…
- Graphic design for events and trade fairs: vinyl, signs, merchandising
- Discounts
on selected products from Contis
- 4% refund on the first net premium paid for each policy acquired through the broker for vehicle insurance.
- 8% refund for other branches.